Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Fabric in Action!

Lauren Koch of OCKbaby uses my Deer Track fabrics in adorable baby gear!  I've just sent off for proofs for some new colors, so check her stuff out to see when the new pink deer tracks arrive.

If you use any of my fabric or other products to make your goodies, contact me at meganmerz@gmail.com so I can give you proper recognition!

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Fun with Fabric

Admittedly, I have been working on projects other than fabric.  That's a shame, because I love to do it!   I checked in recently and had a few color requests for my Deer Track fabric, so those are now in the works.  I've ordered samples, and the new colors should be available shortly.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Good Friends, Bones, Peroxide

You know you have good friends when they will happily assist your weird hobbies.  
I LOVE bones.  So pretty!   I take a lot of rides in my cabin-neighbor’s dog transport van, and if she sees a plant or anything else she wants on the side of the road, we pull over and bag it. 
This time, we were out and she saw a new flower she wanted for her garden.  Out of the van we leapt... and right by her new plant was a very worn down deer carcass.   We spotted this jawbone, and I lamented that I’d have to come back later to grab it.  And she, like any good friend, handed me a plastic bag.  
Later that evening she brought over just what I needed: the sketchbook I’d left on her deck and some peroxide.  The picture of the jawbone is its current state.  It will be in the 50/50 water/peroxide mixture for the rest of the week.  I look forward to using it as part of a still life composition.