Friday, August 7, 2015

30 Paintings in 30 Days

I'M SO READY!  Starts September 1st, oh no, need to buy some more inking brushes.  It is the worst. A terrible tragedy that I must shop for art supplies. It's totally not what I want to be doing all the time.

(Also, if you don't follow my work on tumblr, you should! )

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Pink Flamingo!

Throwback Thursday!
So much pink!  Pretty bird on wood.  Hello, flamingo.  Actually was purchased by another artist, Ursula Vernon, at a convention/show we were both at.  I had a little bit of a moment when that happened, because her work is so awesome.

Monday, August 3, 2015


SO.  I made the attempt last year to make this a teachable painting.  
That was a mistake, it was way too complicated.

Still!  It's Summery  

Lighthouse, Presque Isle.