Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Monday, July 29, 2013

The Empress

A pretty doe for the Empress card.  All of these are gel pen on Strathmore's toned journal paper.

 I'm really hoping I can finish all 22 cards AND my spirit board (not a big deal there, just need to do the planchet), continue to work on art cards, and keep up with commissions. 


Saturday, July 27, 2013

New Project!

I'm sure many of you can figure out what this will be, but here's a preview.  Just going to do the Major Arcana, maybe do a limited edition printing of it.

All gel pen on colored paper, but happy with the results so far.  Will be a nice pair with the Ouija board I'm working on.  Can you tell that I'm ready for Autumn yet?

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Piece in Progress!

Just working on a little something for the "Haunting" juried art show. 


This is a Spirit Board of my own design for the show.  It will have a laser engraved planchet to go with.  Still probably another 2 hours or so to polish it up, about 8 hours put in.  10x14" watercolor and india ink on 100% cotton rag paper.